CHENNAI: As part of its efforts to usher in e-governance, Tamil Nadu Government on Thursday launched a website for online processing of land documents, including registration.

State Minister for Revenue and Housing I Periasami unveiled the website at a regional review conference organised jointly by the Land Resources department and Union Ministry of Rural Development.

"The website '' will have all details such as patta pertaining to lands of individuals," he told reporters.

"So far, 3.2 crores of land resources having full details of the owner/enterprise across the State have been registered on this website", he said.

The website which is to be launched in interior districts of Tamil Nadu in a phased manner will be covering the entire state soon. "Initially, it has been launched in Dindigul, Vellore and Coimbatore" the Minister said.

Elaborating about the project, Union Rural Development Secretary Rita Sinha said e-processing would prevent tampering of documents and every individual registering on the website would have a unique identity number.

Already this kind of e-processing of land resources had been implemented in various states and also in other countries, including England, Australia, Thailand and Kenya.

"Initially, we have planned to launch it in 11 states across the country and as of now, it has been completed in Karnataka, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh and now Tamil Nadu. We want to cover the entire country by the end of 12th Five Year Plan," she told reporters.

With this kind of development, accuracy and time reduction could be achieved, she said.



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